Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Ongoing Rehearsal Space Saga

This week marked yet another defeat in our ongoing quest for the perfect New York City rehearsal space.

We haven't lost hope yet, though we've suffered nothing but defeat so far. First there were the monthly spaces, where we would juggle contact lists every week, negotiating for the best schedule; where you never knew why your equipment had been moved across the room - was it just in someone's way or was it rented out to the local bon jovi cover band?  After a year of musty basements, long commutes, & constant fear of robbery, we bagged the monthlies.

Our latest series of defeats come in the form of hourly rehearsal spaces, stocked with battered amplifiers, cheesy keyboards, and rickety drum stools. This week we tried a spot in the East Village, but we once again, we must move on. It's the usual story: no heat, leftover food lying around, junky keyboards, and a bass amp that likes to interrupt every song with a deafening buzz.. and when we tried to pay with a credit card, the owner told us "Cash only, we don't exist." Great then, watch us disappear!

Here's a picture while we waited for someone to wake up and open the studio. It took us a half hour to track him down!

Well at least we got to work on the new set. New fire for the new year!


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

TS Enters the Blogosphere!!


Welcome to our first blog entry EVER!!! Very exciting. Well, at least we're excited. We've decided to get this rolling for the new year, and start a new level of connection with all of you wonderful people. The three of us will be taking turns posting on a weekly basis more or less, updating you on our happenings, plans, musings, etc...uh, you understand how a blog works. Right.

So a couple of things.

First of all, for all of you on Facebook - which I'm sure is most of you, since you're all so cool - now we are too. Click the button below to add our iLike app to your profile (which works for Bebo as well). We've already got a few songs up there that aren't up on myspace and more on the way, and we've posted some pics and videos from our trip to Asia that you won't wanna miss.

iLike Tortured Soul

Incidentally, for those of you who like video, there are lots of clips of our live shows from around the world up on youtube. Many of these were posted by our trusty sound engineer and unofficial band photographer, Hiro - others were put up by some fans.

Click here to check them out ---> videos.

Guess that's all for now. All the best in '08!!
